
June 29, 2010

Trollbloods Work in Progress


Just a quick post as its rather late – here’s a work in progress shot of the Kreilstone Bearer and some stone scribes.  Not too much left to do on them a bit of work on belts and the weapons and some work on the Tartan of the scribes.  After that its just the eyes and a few washes to blend the skin together a little better.  I’m pretty happy with how they are turning out.

What do you guys think?



  1. Lol how embarrassing i just realized an extra "i" slipped into the picture label - will have to sort that another time.

  2. they are looking awesome.. and like they are ready for a beat down from my Legion... :-)

  3. Those guys are looking really nice. Keep up the good work.

  4. Thanks Guys. Hopefully i will have em finished by the end of the night.
