
July 03, 2010

A new Trollblood blog

Hey everyone

Ive been mucking around with Photoshop trying to learn how to make a Banner/Header for a blog. I figured the best way to learn is have something to push you to learn so i decided to start up a Fan Blog for Hordes and in Particular Trollbloods.  

Here's what ive come up with for the Header/banner for the blog:

Its pretty rough, but this morning i had no idea how to make a header/banner at all so im rather happy with it for the moment.  Ill come up with more ideas im sure but for now i like how it looks.  The idea for the name is inspired from a sig on the PP forums created i believe by PG_Warsmith. (im im wrong please correct me so i can credit the right person.) Its excellent and very fitting and has become a bit of a funny dig/joke amongst our hordes gaming group as i have been making an ridiculous amount of tough rolls! 

Love to know what you guys think? - go easy (remember its my first attempt!)

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