Over the years of working for both Games Workshop and Battlefront Miniatures its been my privilege to work with many talented people and whilst i now prefer to keep my hobbies separate to my work life many of the people i know have left GW or Battlefront and gone on to do other things within the industry. Today i have the great joy of introducing one of those people who is embarking on a project which im extreamly excited about. I'll pass you over to Joe to tell you all about it:
Hello supporters. Mark has been kind enough to allow me to introduce my company and our very first project. My name is Joe Krone and I spent over 15 years working in the gaming industry for companies like Games Workshop and Battlefront Miniatures. I learned an awful lot about how the gaming industry works and throughout my tenure I always wanted to advance my career on the games development side. I think that is everyone's dream job and I came within reach of the golden ring but never could hold on. When I left the gaming industry for a new career I was able to spread my wings and begin developing rules and games without the conflict of interest worry. This month I released my first rulebook, Land of the Free published by Osprey and another milestone this month occured when my brand new gaming company, Watchful I Studio, announced its very first product range. We have designed and will be launching a Kickstarter in the near future for miniatures covering the Chinese Warring States and Qin Dynasty Periods. We have optimized the design process to give you unarmored, lightly armored, and fully armored warriors including several weapon, shield, and head options. The sets will include arms to create standard bearers and head options to create line officers. Our intention for the Kickstarter is to raise enough money to have these fantastic sculpts manufactured in plastic. We are currently working on how the sets will be arranged and how many sets there will be. The range wouldn't be complete without support elements and officers so stay tuned as we will continue to post new updates on our Facebook page. If you would like to join our page please search for Watchful I Studio on Facebook. Enjoy the pics and spread the word. Check out Facebook for more pictures of our digital sculpts. More to come soon................
I think you will all agree that these digital sculpts are excellent. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the final plastic sets will look like. I'll be following this one closely and hope that you will go check out the Watchful I Studio facebook page.